Unable to add new citations

Error report: 1954061103

Whenever I attempt to enter a new citation in a Word document, once I press enter to close the dialogue box, all I get is "[Citation]" inserted into the text.

I have restarted Word and Zotero, I have saved the document and re-opened and the citations still just say "[Citation]".

I'm not doing anything I haven't done in the past when using Zotero successfully.
  • Can you reproduce this in a new document? If it works in a new document but fails in an existing document, see Debugging Broken Documents.
  • Report ID: 1491582214

    I have had exactly the same problem:

    The solution: The problem was the bibliography. As soon as I deleted the bibliography I was able to insert citations again. This means, while working on your thesis (or whatever you work on) don't add a bibliography or delete your existing one. When you have finished your work you can add the bibliography and everything should be fine.
  • This worked! Thank you so much!
  • If this happens, it's really helpful if you can send an excerpt of the document that reproduces the problem to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread, as explained on that page, so that we can fix whatever the underlying problem is. You can and should cut the document down to the smallest section that triggers the problem.
  • Done! Hope you'll find the source of this issue.
  • Thanks very much for sending the document. This should be fixed now in the latest Zotero beta.
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