Has Zotero been hacked?

I keep getting messages, starting yesterday from my virus / malware software that look like this:
Scan type: Scheduled Scan
Event: Security Risk Found!
Security risk detected: Miner.Jswebcoin
File: E:\Zotero\storage\BTWMABKA\fontfaceobserver.js
Location: E:\Zotero\storage\BTWMABKA
Action taken: Delete succeeded
Date found: Friday, June 5, 2020 12:13:49 PM
  • No, that's just a cryptocurrency miner on a webpage that you saved to Zotero — nothing to do with Zotero itself.

    Paste BTWMABKA into the Zotero search bar in All Fields & Tags mode, delete the attachment in question, and empty the trash.
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