Zotero fails to communicate with Word

I can not find Zotero in the ribbon of Word document.

I tried to reinstall Microsoft word add-in in Zotero. And also tick the Developer tab in Word Options.

Zotero dotm is seen in Word/Startup

Can anyone help? Btw I am using company's laptop
  • You don't say fully what you've tried from this section.

    Does Zotero.dotm show up under Developer → Word Add-ins?
  • 1) Zotero.dotm is present and ticked under “Word Add-ins” of Microsoft Word

    2) Require Application Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher” and “Disable all Application Add-ins” are unchecked.

    3) “Disable all macros with notification” under “Macro Settings” is picked.

    Still I can not see Zotero in the ribbon.
  • Do you get a notification that macros are disabled when you start Word?
  • No there is no notification
  • I think you'll need to speak with your IT department. I'm guessing they've disabled macros via system policy, overriding the Word settings.
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