Bibliography disappeared

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately my entire bibliography disappeared. I was wondering if you could please help me restore it in my word doc. Thank you so much! Best chiara
  • Are you just referring to the inserted bibliography at the end of your Word document? Or are you referring to something else?

    You can insert a bibliography just by putting your cursor where you want it and clicking the Add/Edit Bibliography button.
  • Hi thank you for your comment.

    I mean the bibliography at the end of the doc.

    Thank you !
  • Right, so if you're not seeing it, just reinsert it.
  • Hello, is this discussion still active?
    I am having this problem as well, that my bibliography disappears. I noticed, when I sent the respective manuscript to somebody else via email and when this person opened my document, there was no bibliography.
    Any ideas or suggestions on what I need to do?
    Thanks a lot in advance!
  • In general it is a very bad idea to send anyone a version of your working document with live Zotero fields. Make a new save-as copy of your document (with bibliography) then (while keeping your original document) remove the Zotero field codes and send the copy.

    I insisted that my students never even send me a word processor document and only send a PDF file. I didn't want there to be any chance of damaging their work effort.

    When you send someone a copy with your Zotero field codes intact and they return it to you it is likely that the Zotero codes will be returned with damage. Opening the document and saving it in a different format will damage your document's connection with Zotero.
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