How to add tags fast?

Is there any way in Zotero to add tags fast with a comma (like in Ever Note). Like, selecting a particular tag shown in the suggestion with tab key and by clicking a comma, I can place it in my not and move to other tag?
  • I'm not sure what you mean. I don't know how Evernote handles tags, but can you say exactly how you're adding tags to Zotero currently and what you're finding slow about it? When you add tags via an item's Tags tab, you can do it all via the keyboard — typing, arrow keys, and Enter — and just keep typing to add more tags.

    You can also press Shift-Enter and then enter tags on multiple lines and save them all at once, but then you can't use autocomplete. (That's more useful for pasting in a newline-separated list of tags.)
  • In Evernote we will be adding tags in a single box, and auto complete appears as we type and we can select the tag with the tab key and with a comma we can move to the next tag.
    In Zotero, we have to type it in a box the select the auto complete and complete the first tag, then need to use add tag again. So, for me it needs few more enter keys, arrows, etc.

    I haven't used the second one. I will try that.

    Thanks for the help.
  • As I say, you don't need to use "Add Tag" more than once. A new field appears and stays open after you save a tag. All you need to do is keep typing.

    Now, 1) we don't autocomplete within the field itself as you type (like a browser address bar does) and 2) we require an additional Enter after making an autocomplete selection to save the tag. Those are just implementation decisions, and there are pros and cons to those behaviors. Happy to discuss those, but you should make sure you're actually doing this as efficiently as is already possible.
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