Can other people see my attachments from the website?

I saved a lot of snapshots because a site was about to go down and I'd like to be able to access these attachments from a different computer, or at least have others be able to go to my library and be able to open these attachments. Is that possible? How do you do it?
  • no, neither you nor other people can access your attachments from the web.

    You can sync your attachments to another computer using syncing if you have a WebDAV
    but that is probably not ideal to share with other people.

    I'd guess the way to do this from Zotero - if they have Zotero installed - would be to upload a coupld of exported .rdf files somewhere.

    Alternatively, I'd guess .mht files (using the unMHT extension in FF) would be preferable, as they are smaller and people with IE can just open them.
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