Imported library from Mendeley, "Find Available PDF" fails for over half the library
Just switched over from Mendeley, and I'm trying to get my library sorted out. I successfully moved all the information from Mendeley over into Zotero, but now i'm trying to use "Find Available PDF" on the ~1300 or so papers I've moved over, and it's only working about half the time. Then, when I double click a paper that it has failed to find a pdf for, it sends me to a url where there is clearly access to the pdf. I'm on a university network, and many of the papers are open access anyway. Why is the pdf downloader failing? I don't want to manually add pdfs for hundreds of papers, and if I need to do that I'll probably just stick with Mendeley. What can I do to make this work better?
Thanks in advance!
Just switched over from Mendeley, and I'm trying to get my library sorted out. I successfully moved all the information from Mendeley over into Zotero, but now i'm trying to use "Find Available PDF" on the ~1300 or so papers I've moved over, and it's only working about half the time. Then, when I double click a paper that it has failed to find a pdf for, it sends me to a url where there is clearly access to the pdf. I'm on a university network, and many of the papers are open access anyway. Why is the pdf downloader failing? I don't want to manually add pdfs for hundreds of papers, and if I need to do that I'll probably just stick with Mendeley. What can I do to make this work better?
Thanks in advance!
The pdfs didn't get associated with the data when I imported my Mendeley library for some reason.
I followed these steps since I had a post-1.18 Mendeley version:
"Make sure you've synced all data and — if you want to avoid reassociating files manually — files to Elsevier's servers.
Close Mendeley.
Move your database (the .sqlite file) out of the Mendeley data directory to a temporary location.
Download and install Mendeley 1.18.
Open Mendeley and perform a fresh sync to pull down your Mendeley data from the Elsevier servers.
Start the import in Zotero by going to File → “Import…” and choosing the “Mendeley” option."
However, there's still some goofery afoot:
I tried to find the pdf associated with this paper (, which I do have access to through my institution), and zotero failed again.
Debug code:
The site may be doing something weird here for authentication. If you click on that URL in your browser, does it load the PDF without changing the URL?
), and it expects that to be an actual PDF URL. If it's just some random HTML page dependent on the third-party authentication system being used by the site, that's not something Zotero would have any way of knowing how to deal with.If you View Source for the HTML page and email it to with a link to this thread, we can look at it to see if the PDF is provided in some straightforward way, but if you have to click a PDF button that doesn't sound promising.
Have you considered having zotero check sci-hub for pdfs that it fails to acquire due to goofy site design like this?