How to sync link to files among group members?

Dear Forum,

I’ve got the following problem/scenario: There is a private Zotero-Group whose group members all have access to a server located in a local network. On this server we want to store the files (papers, reports and webpages etc.) connected with the Zotero-entries. We do not, for various reasons, want those files to be attached to their respective entry and thus getting synced via the Zotero cloud but only the links to those files.

So the question is, whether there is or are convenient ways to nicely link from a Zotero-entry to a file and sync those links with all the other group members?; keeping in mind that – although unlikely it is – folder structures on the local server might change and thus the file links might need updating.

As far as I understand attaching a link to the respective file on the server from a Zotero-entry does not do the job, since those attached file links are not being synced by Zotero. So I thought the URL field might be a solution but it is not a nice one, since the URL is cited by various citation styles and thus should rather hold the proper URL and not the link to the file on the local server.
So perhaps you guys could help me with some ideas? Any suggestions or thoughts would be highly appreciated.

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