Overriding default headline capitalization for titles; inclusion of [----?] for places, dates, pages

edited December 14, 2019

I use CMS 17 (note) for my citations. I have two issues:

1. Overriding the capitalization conventions for the "title" field.

Headline capitalization is used for English titles. Sentence-style capitalization is used for non-English titles (CMS 17, 14.98). Is there anyway to override the default headline capitalization for the the "title," "book title," and "publication" fields? I would rather capitalize the titles manually.

2. Brackets and question marks not included in bibliographic reference for Magazine and Newspaper item types.

Brackets and question marks are used to qualify bibliographic information (14.132, 14.145). Uncertain or guessed at information is enclosed in brackets with a question mark [----?] For example,

[Lake Bluff, IL?]: Vliet & Edwards, 1890

Lake Bluff, IL: Vliet & Edwards, [1890?]

For the Magazine and Newspaper item types, [----?] is not included in the date portion of the bibliographical reference. I suspect this would also be the case for the "place" and "pages" fields as well. Is there anyway to get [----?] to display properly?

I am hoping that solutions can be found for issues 1-2 so that I do not have to resort to unlinking the bibliography and inputting the [----?]'s manually. Switching to another citation format is also not an option.

Any advice/instructions would be greatly appreciated.



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