Inline citation - et al - problem


I have a problem with the appearence of et al. for inline citation. Namely I have set standar parameters for Harvard Emarald - et-al-min=3, et-al-use-first=1, but it doesn't work for all sources. For example, when there are 5 authors it gives 3 authors + et al. for inline citation.

I tried online csl.mendeley but I cannot find the glitch.

  • First, assuming that you're testing this in Mendeley, try the same style with Zotero. Mendeley is running older versions of the citation processor, so it's at least possible it's their bug.

    Then, make sure this happens in a new document with just that citation.

    If it does, post the style to save, and provide the URL here and we can take a look.

    If it doesn't, you're seeing disambiguate-add-names for different articles with the same first two authors.
  • Thanks! It did not happen in new document. It was the "disambiguate-add-names" that created issue. There were works from same authors same year in that document.
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