"Find available PDF" option not showing

I just started using Zotero 5.0, I inserted manually some journal articles references and when I right click on them don`t have the option "Find available PDF". Am I missing something?
  • They need a DOI or URL for this to work.
  • edited October 29, 2019
    The item needs to have a DOI or URL, and it won't appear if there's already a PDF attached to the item.

    (Also, when you say that you're adding items manually, do you mean by using New Item and manually typing in all the info? Because that's almost never necessary. See Adding Items to Zotero.)
  • Yup, just typing all the info. I have to deal with a bunch of articles from old journals, seems there is no other option.
  • edited October 29, 2019
    And there's no record of those journals online anywhere?

    If the journals aren't online to begin with, they're not going to have a DOI or URL and not going to have a PDF to automatically retrieve.
  • Old Romanian journals about medieval history, not online, at least not in an organised fashion. There are some, here and there, but no DOI. I thought that maybe Zotero performs a search based on the title or author manually introduced.
  • No, but even if it did, there wouldn't be anywhere to get the PDF from.
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