inline [author:1990] & Bibliographic reference
In the Office of Native Title we prepare reports using simple inline square brackets for simple references eg. at the end of a bockquote as [Hiatt:1996, p.31].
In the bibliography we list:
Hiatt:1996 [TAB] Hiatt, L. R. ... publication details.
Same year publications simply become Hiatt:1996a and Hiatt:1996b etc.,
In footnotes, usually reserved for adding material rather than simple quote references, where we use the short form as well:
1. Haitt:1996, pp.120-125: He argues...
The bonus of this system is that cutting and pasting keeps the quotes together with their references (not much of a problem with modern word processors -- though ibids still seem to be a problem), also that the inline references make it easier to follow where quotes are coming from (there is usually a central document being written about, hence the sequence is sometimes important).
It is not the most elegant form of referencing, but it seems to work very well for us. I could not find anything like it the styles (though I stopped in the mid-"p"s).
I had a look at CLS, but did not think I would manage with my available time.
In the bibliography we list:
Hiatt:1996 [TAB] Hiatt, L. R. ... publication details.
Same year publications simply become Hiatt:1996a and Hiatt:1996b etc.,
In footnotes, usually reserved for adding material rather than simple quote references, where we use the short form as well:
1. Haitt:1996, pp.120-125: He argues...
The bonus of this system is that cutting and pasting keeps the quotes together with their references (not much of a problem with modern word processors -- though ibids still seem to be a problem), also that the inline references make it easier to follow where quotes are coming from (there is usually a central document being written about, hence the sequence is sometimes important).
It is not the most elegant form of referencing, but it seems to work very well for us. I could not find anything like it the styles (though I stopped in the mid-"p"s).
I had a look at CLS, but did not think I would manage with my available time.
I also don't know if I can put a tab after the author name. Otherwise this should be pretty straightforward.
do you have a styleguide you can link to?
Does the style use ibids?
how do you deal with repeated authors in biography (i.e. just list them several times or substitute subsequent by ----?
It is not a pretty reference style, and I have seen it used before being employed at ONT, I did not like it very much to begin with, but it has proved itself practically -- inline references are functional.
Obviously perfect solutions are not practical. The Short Title element is perfect (ie LastName {colon} Year plus serial-Alpha -- put in by hand), and the square brackets can be typed when required. Basically it would be in bibliographies:
Short-Title {spaces} Authors, publication-title, publisher and year.
In citations, Short-Title {comma space} p.
For our purposes, at least, the details are not important, what is important is getting the Short-Title in the right place.
If there is a place to get CLS for established styles, and the means of referencing the Short-Title was made known (it may be obvious in the existing CLSs), then I could put one together myself I think. I just have not found a repository for CLS, just an example. If I can see a number of established styles, see what they do when I ujse them in zotero, I should be able to work the rest out (I hope).
Many thanks -- Greg