Installing Firefox Connector on macOS


I'm unable to download the Zotero Connector for Firefox available on that page:
When I click, nothing happens.

I use Firefox 69.0. The privacy settings are set to standard and I've added as a trustable site, allowing it to download plugins and to have pop-up windows. I thought originally that this was the issue, but still not fixed.
I am on macOS 10.14.6.

Zotero is also not listed in Firefox's plugins list, unfortunately.

Any idea on how to enable the download (and installation)?

Many thanks for your help!
  • The Zotero Connector is just a standard Firefox extension, so you shouldn't have to do anything other than click the download button and click "Continue to Installation" in the Firefox popup, followed by "Add". You don't have to adjust any settings from their defaults.

    If nothing is happening when you click the download button, that sounds like a problem with your Firefox installation. If this is a work machine, it's possible Firefox is configured to block add-on installation. I'd start by looking at the Firefox Browser Console for an error when you click the button.
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