problem between zotero and the browser connector

hi, i can't save any items in zotero even so i downloaded the browser connector. Also when i create a collection in the library it won't appear in the extension when i try to save an item. I use a mac and chrome.
thanks for your help !
  • hi, i can't save any items in zotero even so i downloaded the browser connector.
    What is happening, exactly?
    Also when i create a collection in the library it won't appear in the extension when i try to save an item.
    What do you mean by that? What do you see?
  • when I try to save a web page or text by clicking on the connector button, nothing appears in the zotero library.

    i created a file in the library to organize my research items but it won't appear in the window when i try to save items with the browser connector. i can only save the item in the library but even when i click on the button, there is nothing in my library.
  • when I try to save a web page or text by clicking on the connector button, nothing appears in the zotero library.
    But what exactly do you see in the browser itself?
  • it is just written "saving to --> my library".
  • down below the name of the document/page is written (with sometimes "snapshot" added)
  • Is “My Library” a drop-down menu? Is there a button next to it to expand the popup and show the collections list?
  • yes exactly. But the thing is there is no collection lists appearing even though i created one in zotero :/
  • Did you create the collection in your local Zotero or online?

    Can you provide Debug IDs for both Zotero and the Zotero Connector for a save attempt?
  • i created the collection in my local zotero.
    what is a debug ids?
  • I provided a link to instructions.
  • here is my report ID for Zotero: 855225447
    report ID for connector: 1925282538
  • Those are Report IDs, not Debug IDs.
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