Moving from DAV to Zotero Storage - Extremely slow


I recently purchased a Zotero storage subscribition and want to move my library from DAV.

After changing my storage provider from "Preferences>Sync>File Syncing" to Zotero, I keep seeing the rotating sync arrow but it's extremely slow and sometimes nothing is uploaded for hours. I have been only able to upload 261 MB in an entire day.

Is this normal? Any way to speed this up?

  • edited July 21, 2019
    It depends on your internet connection, but 261 MB in a day would certainly be extremely slow.

    What's your upload speed as shown at ?

    When in doubt, you can just stop and restart the sync, or restart Zotero. But if you can reliably reproduce it stalling without uploading anything, provide a Debug ID for that and we'll take a look.
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