Disappearing notes


I was just working in a bibliographic entry for a book--organizing my notes, and they have been disappearing before my eyes. Here is what happened:

1) Yesterday I typed up one big note, all in a single entry.
2) This morning I started organizing the notes into separate notes, all within the same entry for the book.
3) As I was working my original note disappeared--leaving me with just the three separate notes where I had cut and pasted text.
4) One of my new notes disappeared right as the automatic syn function kicked into gear.

Help please! Working with these shifting sands is maddening--one step forward, two steps back.


  • Is it possible that you simply dragged the notes to another item? Your account logs show nothing having been deleted recently in your personal library. Have you tried searching for the text in the library root in All Fields & Tags mode?
  • Yes, thank you :)

    Somehow I dragged them into another reference.

    Sheepishly yours,

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