Save to Zotero option missing

Its been about 2 years since i've used the program and I'm having some trouble with the new updates. I'm on a mac using the firefox plugin with the stand alone program.

I used to be able to save pdfs directly to zotero, as I would go to download the pdf I would have three options 1) open with preview 2) save file 3) save to zotero
The save to zotero option would save a pdf with the metadata on my computer.

Now with the plugin when I try to save the pdf open in my browser it only saves the weblink and not a pdf. Since most papers are behind a pay wall this is pretty useless as I have to go around it and basically re-look up the paper again. Is there anyway to save papers as pdfs without having to download them and then manually save to zotero?
  • The save dialog integration that used to exist in Firefox is no longer possible with current Firefox versions, so that's gone.

    The standard way to get paywalled articles into Zotero is to save from the article page (the one that shows the abstract). For most publishers and databases, Zotero will pull in both the metadata and the PDF (provided you have access). Where that doesn't work, we'd want to see a sample URL.

    If you have a PDF open in your browser, Zotero should allow you to save it just by clicking the "Save to Zotero" button (which is a PDF icon). Firefox no longer allows showing a progress window like for other saves, but the PDF still saves to the currently selected collection.
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