Author-date/note style hybrid

Dear forum members,

I have the task to create a style that combines properties of author-date and note citation styles. I know that in the CSL style definition you decide directly in the root item which type of style should be used but maybe there is a way to do what I need, anyways.

In the current case, the "Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition" should be the style base. In-text citation should be in "author-date notation". Additionally, there should be a footnote as in "note" notation. Obviously, a numeric marker is not necessary anymore in this case. Rather, the footnote would look just like a copy of the bibliography entry. This will be used with MS Word Plugin.

It seems to me that this is just impossible because of the way CSL is structured but I am quite new to CSL, so maybe someone here knows how to solve this?
  • That's indeed impossible with CSL, (it's also virtually impossible with common word processors, including Word, so I'm a bit puzzled why anyone would want to do that) and I don't think it's likely we'd implement that.
  • Thank you adamsmith! At least now I know for certain.
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