Switching from Box.com webdav to pCloud Webdav, which folder to copy

pCloud is supposed to continue to offer WebDav, so I'm moving the Box folder over there. Do I just copy the folder from Box to pCloud as is? Is it better to upload from my computer the Storage folder in my main Zotero directory? What is the step by step? It was so long ago I set up the Box.com folder, I don't recall how I did that.
  • not sure if this was right, but I uploaded my local directory storage folder to pCloud then synced with preferences in Zotero and it worked. See my related topic for those instructions.
  • You don’t _need_ to move anything. Just change your sync settings and Zotero will upload to the new server. But if you want to speed up that process, you can copy the “zotero” folder over to pCloud. It needs to be the whole “zotero” folder with all of its zipped contents.
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