cannot import .txt file

I just installed zotero v.5.0.58 and exported my refworks data into a file called "refworks.txt". When I go to File --> import in refworks, I cannot see the .txt file in the folder. Do I need a different file extension?
  • Sorry, not quite clear what you're trying to do. You're trying to export from Zotero to RefWoks or vice versa?
    Either way, how exactly are you exporting data?
  • I exported data from refworks into a text file and am trying to import the text file into zotero.
  • And you're saying Zotero won't even let you select the file? You're sure you're looking in the right place? Zotero lets you (try to) import any file type, regardless of extension (and actually expects .txt for RefWorks)
  • Yes, that is what I am saying. However, I figure out that the default directory was not set to my user name, and once I corrected that, the file showed up and I was able to import.
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