APA citations are formatted wrong

Both in-text and bibliography citations are populating incorrectly.

In-Text EX: (Liebscher & Dailey-O'Cain, 2005) is actually showing up as (Liebscher, Grit & Dailey-O'Cain, Jennifer, 2005) -- APA should just be last names--comma--date.

Bibliography EX should be:
Liebscher, G., & Dailey-O’Cain, J. (2005). Learner code-switching in the content-based foreign language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 89(2), 234–247.

But I'm getting this instead:

Liebscher, Grit, & Dailey-O’Cain, Jennifer. (2005). Learner code-switching in the content-based foreign language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 89(2), 234–247.

I've selected APA in every possible location in Zotero and Word. Please help!
  • You have the data entered incorrectly in Zotero -- it looks like you have "Liebscher, Grit" in a single field rather thanLiebscher and Grit in separate fields in two-field mode. Did you manually add the data or import it from somewhere (where?)

    To see how that article should be entered correctly import using the Add by Identifier button using its DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2005.00277.x (You'll then have to convert the title to sentence case still)
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