Changing Zotero account

Good morning
I am working on my sister's computer and it seems like she has already synchronised the Zotero to her account, I also have an account which I created in another computer but I would like to use her computer to work
When I want to synchronise with my account they notify to me that hers is already in use and i will have to delete her files from the computer
Should I go ahead, hoping when she'll connect back her files will still be there or is there another way out?
  • You should just create a separate OS user account when working on her computer. That will make sure that all of your data is separate from hers, for Zotero and everything else.
  • Please I don't understand what you mean by OS account, could you expatiate
  • Create a new Mac or Windows user (i.e., with a different username), log in to that account, and set up Zotero and everything else for yourself there. That will give you separate Zotero data as well as separate browsing history, website sessions, etc.
  • Ok
    But I had already created an account in another machine, now how do I access it through the Zotero app of the machine, where my sister's account is presently logged? How can I switch users
    I am actually not seeing any option
    Please could you guide me through
  • When you create a new OS account, there won't be any data there for any program, and you'll just set up Zotero with your existing Zotero account as if it were a new computer.
  • To be clear, this doesn't have anything to do with Zotero, which is why we can't help you with it. Once you're using a new OS account, you won't see your sister's data at all. Just look up how to create a new OS account for whatever OS you're using.
  • Ok
    Thank you so much
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