Turn off italicization in titles?

edited September 17, 2018
Dear Zotero,
In my field (China studies) it is common to provide a citation which gives both the romanization and the Chinese characters for a title of a work written in Chinese, e.g.

Qin Han guanzhi shi gao 秦漢官制史稿

When I do this, Zotero automatically italicizes the whole title including the Chinese
characters. The correct way is to italicize the romanized title but not the Chinese characters, as it is improper to italicize Chinese characters in general. This is also true of Japanese, for example. Is there any way to do deal with this short of typing html commands for italicization in each title entry? I have been able to turn off the automatic capitalization by marking the language of the entry as zh. It would seem proper for Zotero to change the title function so that only romanized words are italicized in the title and Chinese characters are not.
Thank You!
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