APA 6th modification

Hi everybody,

i have been search now for some time and i could not figure out how to
change the apa style in text citation from:

(Howard, 2009) to (Howard 2009)

Thank you for your help!
  • Is this for a specific journal or publisher?
  • Yes, we'd want to know this, but for your question:
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <text macro="issued-year"/>
    <text macro="citation-locator"/>

    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <text macro="issued-year"/>
    <text macro="citation-locator"/>
  • Thank you for your answers!
    No its not for a specific journal or publisher.
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