Issue in refreshing citations.

Hi, I'm having this issue, when i add new citation in the document it's number should be say 22 because last citation was 21 but zotero is placing it as [1] and also there are just last three citations as [1][2][3] that were supposed to be [20][21][22] in reference section. What should i do?
  • You have clicked the "Refresh" button?

    When you put your cursor in an existing citation and click add/edit citation, does it let you edit that citation?
  • Yes I did refresh but nothing happened. I am also unable to edit citation. When i add a new citation it creat with a number [1] instead of [22] and when i click on creat bibliography it just added last 3 citations.
    Now i have unliked all citations and recreate them. Now it's working fine. I don't know why this happened.
  • Odd. FWIW, the most common cause for citations becoming unliked is saving the document with unsupported software or in an unsupported format, e.g. saving a LibreOffice document in .doc or .docx or saving any document with Pages etc.
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