Feature Request: TAG copy/export to comma separated


Apologies if this is not in the correct place for this.

It would be very useful to be able to copy or export tags to comma separated (cs) list. These could then be easily moved to other tagging lists.

e.g. I am currently manually exporting a few of the references / notes I am building in Zotero onto a webserver and using a tag manager that accepts cs lists.

I have tried a number of routes, including viewing online and exporting a report, each of these provides a list of tags for a reference with no separators. Simply adding a comma to these locations would suffice.

Better would be a 'Copy' button on the Tag interface for each reference/article which copied a cs list.


  • (Actually now I come to think of it - being able to paste a cs list into a tag Add would mean I could copy tags more easily into Zotero as well).
  • Exporting as Zotero RDF or CSV (among other formats) will include items' tags as as a comma-separated list. You can also generate a report for items and their tags will be given as a comma separated list. With the Zutilo plugin, you can add a "Copy tags to clipboard" option to the right-click menu which will copy tags as a newline-separated list.

    You can import multiple tags using a newline-separated list.
  • Ahahaha,

    Thank you! Newline will do fine, I can program from other end for csv.

    Works on ubuntu and Windows.

    (Using newline over some sort of char separated list a bit weird imho but hey ho).

    bwiernik == Legend,

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