Full bibliographical data for references in new chapter

How do I get Zotero to enter in a full bib. information for references in a new chapter?

For example:
In chapter one: I have Jonathan Draper, “The Didache in Modern Research: An Overview,” in The Didache in Modern Research, ed. Jonathan Draper (Leiden: Brill, 1996), 1.

In chapter two, when I cite Draper, I would like the full bibliographical data instead of Draper, “The Didache in Modern Research: An Overview,” 4–10.

Please help.
  • Keep your chapters in separate Word documents. Combine copies of the chapters at the end of writing after you have used Unlink Citations to convert Zotero fields to regular text. This will also help to keep your document from slowing down after you add a large number of citations.
  • Is that the only way, keeping chapters separate?
  • Yes. Zotero has no way of interacting with sections or other methods in Word of denoting that you are in a new chapter.
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