Group library disappeared from desktop on first sync

Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere, but I can't find a similar issue.

Today I created a new Group Library by clicking the "New Group" (brown folder with green plus) from my desktop version of Zotero (version 5). Zotero opened a tab and had me log-in online to create the group, I created it, and it was visible online and on my standalone Zotero on my desktop.

Then I added 10 articles from a .ris file to my desktop group and found the pdfs and attached them. From online I invited two other people to the group and left it alone. One of the other users accepted a request to the group, but let me know the folder was empty. No problem. I synced from my desktop, and right in front of my eyes all 10 articles disappeared. I couldn't find a trace of them anywhere on my desktop or online. I restarted (worth a try!) and nothing. I went to my Zotero storage files (which I keep on the cloud separately) and sorted for files created today and all my pdfs were still there. So I just rebuilt the little group library using them. It's syncing normally now.

Yesterday I followed this same workflow with a different group, two different Zotero users, and 80 articles/pdfs that luckily were created without any kind of problem. But now I'm nervous. Is there a better order of operations for creating such a group to prevent this sort of problem in the future? Is there something I did that would have accidentally caused the articles to be deleted? Or was this just a fluke error?
Thank you!
  • I suspect you may be misremembering this — for example by importing into your personal library instead of the group library. There's no record of any deletions in your most recently created group.
    I went to my Zotero storage files (which I keep on the cloud separately) and sorted for files created today and all my pdfs were still there.
    I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you referring to the online Zotero library or something else?
  • I keep my files on Box cloud storage, and just like my regular library it looks like a copy of pdfs land there when I create a group (though there is still a maximum storage through Zotero storage because I exceeded it on Friday).
    I don't think I'm misremembering - it disappeared in front of my eyes (as I mentioned). I did fail to mention two other things, however.
    1) I had actually deleted two articles because I accidentally imported them twice, so I did have those two articles in the trash when I went looking for my disappeared articles.
    2) When I rebuilt my library from the pdfs in my storage, Zotero created new copies of those pdfs in the same folder - in new randomly named individual folders, of course. So I had identical files in the storage folder that were created about an hour apart. I never deleted the original pdfs or folders, but they're like ghosts - they aren't attached to any articles in my library. Go figure.
  • To be clear, they were identical in content, but when I created the new items Zotero did give them new random names and separate identities. The original storage folders don't appear to be linked to anything in my library.
  • I keep my files on Box cloud storage
    Wait, are you saying you have your Zotero data directory in Box cloud storage? If so, that's the problem. You can't keep your data directory in a cloud storage folder (for Zotero or any similar database-backed program). You'll corrupt your database and see lots of weird problems.
  • No. I follow the common practice of syncing my pdfs to the cloud (pretty sure I have second set up here, but I'm away from my work computer so can't confirm. Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I intended to point out by mentioning this that I am not using Zotero provided storage, rather the pdfs are stored with me. The duplicate pdf files automatically appeared when I dragged the pdfs into the group. They are in the Zotero "Storage" folder created by the program in my file system when I originally set it up. I've had this system for 4 years and this is the first problem I have had.
  • WebDAV syncing isn't used for groups, so that wouldn't be relevant here.

    What's the name of a folder that's no longer linked to your library? Note that items in your personal library and group libraries are separate, so if you created those in your personal library first, you're just seeing copies from the other library.

    There's no code in Zotero to delete an item and not also delete the file on disk.
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