Customizing Chicago ... Again

Apologies in advance. I took days of trying to edit Chicago to add the date accessed and have failed so I'm here. To be clear, it does what it needs to do save one minor (but major) tweak for my institution. Chicago (author-date) adds date accessed in the bibliography for web pages and PDFs. I need to add date accessed to any cited material *WHERE THE DATE ACCESSED FIELD IS PRESENT*. So even if its a book that was accessed via Google Books or some other online resource - it needs to be cited with the date accessed.

I know Chicago advises against it.
I've turned on include URL in the preferences but it doesn't add dates.
I've been focused on:

..but can't even *remove* the accessed from the bibliography confirming I'm manipulating the correct variable.

Thanks in advance.
  • put code in <code> </code> and/or put longer bits of code on create a private gist and link to it from here.
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