How to consolidate all citations and bibiliographies from everything I have ever written?

Hi there, I am hoping someone more knowledgeable than I can help me answer the following question concerning Zotero:

what do we need to do to go through everything I have ever written and constitute a database of all the citations I have ever used so I don’t have to look for them every time? Does Zotero allow that and what would my assistant need to do to set me up so once I open Zotero the citations and references from everything I have ever written are all consolidated in single database that I can draw on moving forward?


  • I’m assuming you don’t already have a Zotero library and are talking about papers you’ve written with manual citations?

    If so, then copy the bibliographies to and export to BibTeX, which Zotero can import.
  • Thanks, bwiernik! That is exactly what I needed.

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