Problem with Quotation Marks

I seem to have some problems with the quotation marks in Zotero. I'm using Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note).

When I want to insert a footnote of an article the comma comes before the quotation marks.

For example: Stephan R. Epstein, “Craft Guilds, Apprenticeship and Technological Change in Pre-Industrial Europe”, The Journal of Economic History 58 (1998): 684–713.

When I look to the style guide of CMS I see it should be the following way:

Stephan R. Epstein, “Craft Guilds, Apprenticeship and Technological Change in Pre-Industrial Europe," The Journal of Economic History 58 (1998): 684–713.

Does somebody knows how I can change this? I recently updated Zotero to see if it was a bug, but it didn't changed.

Thank you for your help!
  • edited March 15, 2018
    The relationship of quotation marks to punctuation is determined by the locale -- assuming this is in Word, when you click on "Documen Preferences", what does it say under "Language"?
  • It was set in Dutch. When I changed it to English (US) (not English UK) it worked.

    Thank you very much!
    This will help a lot!
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