my library has disappeared without update neither zotero nor windows

edited March 12, 2018
J'ai utilisé zotero encore hier et tout allait bien.
Il y a juste un moment où une fenêtre s'est affichée, mais je ne sais pas de quel programme elle venait, il me semble qu'elle me proposait de mettre à jour zotero, et j'ai cliqué sur "non".
J'ai essayé de chercher avec toutes les démarches signalées, indiquer le chemin sur "users>*name*>zotero", chercher un fichier du même style sur les dossiers de firefox, à partir du dossier de profil, je n'ai pas vu de fichier "users".
J'utilisais tout le temps zotero standalone et jamais sur firefox, mais il semble y être quand même (j'ai le "z" dans ma barre d'outils).

Après avoir un peu chercher dans pas mal de dossier, maintenant quand j'ouvre à nouveau zotero, une fenêtre m'indique : "Cette base de données Zotero nécessite Zotero 5.0.30 ou ultérieur.Version actuelle :" mais ensuite en cliquant sur "recherche de mises à jour" une autre fenêtre m'indique que zotero est à jour.

Quand j'ouvre zotero le "guide rapide" est daté du 25/11/2015
Les fichier bak sont situés dans le dossier : Utilisateurs>psimon>Zotero. Et ils sont au nombre de 3 :
zotero.sqlite.1.bak - 20/02/2018 - 1128 Ko
zotero.sqlite.77.bak - 22/02/2018 - 1128 Ko
zotero.sqlite.bak - 21/02/2018 - 1128 Ko

Un peu d'aide, s'il vous plait ?
  • edited March 12, 2018
    Please, could someone answer me? sorry for my bad english, I use google translate

    I used zotero again yesterday and everything was fine. (now it was not yesterday, it happened to me on February 22)
    There was just a moment when a window appeared, but I do not know what program it came from, it seems to me that it was proposing to update zotero, and I clicked "no".
    I tried to search with all the steps indicated, indicate the path on "users> * name *> zotero", look for a file of the same style on firefox folders, from the profile folder, I do not have seen from "users" file.
    I used zotero standalone all the time and never on firefox, but it seems to be there anyway (I have the "z" in my toolbar).

    After a little searching in a lot of file, now when I open again zotero, a window tells me: "This Zotero database requires Zotero 5.0.30 or later. Current version:" but then in clicking on "search for updates" another window tells me that zotero is up to date.

    When I open zotero the "quick guide" is dated 25/11/2015
    The bak files are located in the folder: Users> psimon> Zotero. And there are three of them:
    zotero.sqlite.1.bak - 20/02/2018 - 1128 KB
    zotero.sqlite.77.bak - 22/02/2018 - 1128 KB
    zotero.sqlite.bak - 21/02/2018 - 1128 KB

    Can anyone help me, please?
  • First install Zotero 5.0 from the download page.

    Then, if you're still missing your library, see Missing Data After Zotero 5.0 Upgrade.
  • I did all that but it does not work

    I have open the prefs.js file in my Firefox profile in a text editor, and here is what I can see :
    user_pref("extensions.zotero.dataDir", "C:\\Users\\psimon\\Zotero")
    user_pref("extensions.zotero.lastDataDir", "C:\\Users\\psimon\\Zotero")

    Anyway I did not use zotero Firefox but zotero Standalone
  • I'm not sure what "all that" refers to. It's helpful to be specific about the things you've tried.

    Regardless of what you were using previously, you should check both your Firefox profile directory and Zotero profile directory for 'zotero' directories, as noted there, as well as the rest of your system.

    The fact that you have a Quick Start Guide from 2015 means Zotero picked up an old database from 2015. Your more recent data directory is almost certainly elsewhere on your system, and likely in one of those two directories.
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