APA Reference incorrect

When using Zotero to create a bibliography, they style does not match APA. I have confirmed in Preferences that APA is my style, but I can't get the right format on the paper. It's adding exact publication dates in parentheses, and the punctuation in the reference is incorrect. I've tried digging through the forums, but I couldn't find this listed. Any help?
  • edited January 27, 2018
    Those are definitely not issues with the official Zotero APA style. Are you sure that you are choosing American Psychological Association, and not, for example, American Anthropological Association or American Sociological Association?

    If so, try to re-download from here:
  • I am choosing the right one. I get it done correctly if I right click and create a bibliography, add it to my clipboard, and then insert it into the paper. However, dragging and dropping makes it all incorrect. I am using two machines with Zotero; one of these I installed today and just re-downloaded from your link. I'm still getting this with drag and drop:

    Heim, Christian, Markus Kondruweit, Michael Weyand, and Rene Tandler. “Amphetamine Abuse as a Rare Cause of Recurrent LVAD Pump Thrombosis.” Journal of Cardiac Surgery 30, no. 2 (February 2015): 215–16. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocs.12504.
  • That's Chicago style, not APA. You have likely just not set the style in the right place. The style for drag&drop is set as "Default Output" in the "Export" tab of the preferences. Whatever you have selected in the "Style" tab has no impact on anything.
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