Problems in create a cronography

Please help.... I am using Zotero 5 and I cannot visualize the timelines my data can´t appear and I have some papers in my library.
  • What exactly do you mean “can’t”? What happens when you click the Create Timeline item in the Tools menu?
  • I also, do have problems creating a Chronography. The Data comes out in blank for the year 2018.
    I really do find useful this tool since it helps into the development of conceptual abstraction and other analytical issues.
    It is one of its best tools, other comparative software into the market lacks completely from this aid, and other extremely helpful features from Zotero, include embedded pictures. Software like Endnote won´t let me do any of these two aforementioned.
    Many thanks, i will be waiting for the bug fixing regarding the Chronography.
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