Lost (?) citation library?

I use the Zotero app on my 2014 apple laptop and have a library called "dissertation" with hundreds of citations. I bought a new iMac yesterday and installed the app to try and populate my citations onto the new machine. Under Zotero>preferences>sync I typed in my username and password, restarted both apps and soon I saw the files populate into the new machine. Today I left the house and opened the laptop, and I have a whopping 11 files on my laptop's app that don't seem to be from inside of any library. When I log-in online, I see 12 different sources that I have entered in the past, however these are also not from any named library, and I cannot find my "dissertation" library on this machine or online. Why would this happen? Is it totally lost?
  • Just to clarify, you mean "collection" above, not "library". The latter would refer to "My Library" or a group library.

    But I'm not totally clear on what the problem is. You still have a "Dissertation" collection in your online library with many items in it.
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