Zotero can't grab the pdf metadata after it upgraded!

As the title. Zotero upgrade to 5.0.33 automatically this morning. After that , zotero can't grab the metadata of pdf anymore. Want to know what is the matter? and how can i restore it to the 5.0.32 version. By the way, my position is china.
  • could you run through the steps more specifically (what are you doing, what is happending?). Though note that retrieve metadata relies heavily on google scholar, so you'd have to be able to access that, which I know can be a problem in China.
  • What exactly happens when you try to retrieve metadata for a PDF? Does it happen for all PDFs? Can you use the magic wand button to add an item via DOI?
  • edited December 21, 2017
    I download some papers from IEEE xplore. They named by some numbers. Then I copy these papers to zotero. They are still named by numbers. I want they are named by the reference name. And I want to know the authors, the journals and other information. So I right - click the papers, and click "retrieve metadata for a PDF". Nothing happen after that.
    I used this function yesterday. And it worked well.
    The magic wand button function works well. But I have more than 50 paper. I think the best way is retrieve metadata for pdf.
  • Sorry, I can't upload pictures here to illustrate this.
  • edited December 21, 2017
    I changed the software language to English. Then it works well. Is this a bug?
  • Note that normally you would want to click the Zotero icon on the IEEExplore article/abstract page to download the article, e.g. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7584066/ -- that'd save you this whole process.

    Have you checked if you can access and search on scholar.google.com?
  • edited December 21, 2017
    sir, I don't see any zotero icon on this page. Would you be nice to send a picture to my email? lhjmemory@gmail.com.
    I can't access on scholar.google.com in China.
  • See here: https://imgur.com/a/WpzZn

    Without google scholar, retrieve metadata will fail most of the time. It will sometimes still work (Zotero tries some other things first), but you should try to avoid having to use this from China, I'm afraid.
  • Ok, I know. The zotero icon is the zotero plug-in to fire-fox. This software is easy to use than others. and I have get use of it. Thank you for your time.
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