Reference does not appear in Word after adding citation

I successfully added a citation to a Word doc (the superscript reference number appears where I intended); however, I do not see the reference appear at the end of the doc. Any suggestions why?
  • Have you added the bibliography to the document using the Add/Edit Bibliography button?
  • I had not added the bibliography. Apparently, a bibliography is not technically the same as a list of references. But I have taken your advice and it solved my problem. Thank you very much!
  • Zotero distinguishes between the citations (the in-text Numbers) and the Bibliogrpahy (the full list of references). You need to insert the Bibliogrpahy in order to tell Zoteron where it should go in your document.
  • A bibliography is technically different from a list of references that have been cited in the document. A bibliography is defined as a list of all sources used.
  • Well, some people/guides make that distinction, some don't -- it's not like these terms have some universally recognized definition.
    Zotero uses bibliography for both.
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