How to input the "Accessed" field?

I use Zotero 5.0.22 on a Windows 10 installed computer.
"Accessed" fields won't save my input and just remain empty.
I need to show the date in the bibliography.
How should I input the "Accessed" field?
  • You can use "today" or a "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:DD" timestamp, but generally you wouldn't be entering that field manually. Is there a reason you're not saving via the Zotero Connector (which populates it automatically)?
  • Thank you so much; "today" and "YYYY-MM-DD" work!
    I tried to input "YYYY. MM. DD." because every date in my Date Added and Modified fields is shown as in "2017. 8. 4. 11:50:50 AM." I found "now" doesn't work either. I didn't know they wouldn't work.
  • Yeah, we'll make "now" work. Again, though, there's almost never a need to enter an access date manually — it should be coming from the connector.
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