This forum needs a style for blockquotes

If I put something in <code> tags, it displays like this: something in code tags, but if I put something in <blockquote> tags, it displays like this:
something in blockquote tags
. There should be some style associated with blockquotes to set them apart.
  • edited April 5, 2007

    (Aside from the dashed gray border, now using :before/after and CSS generated content to put quotes around the text, but hey, it's a Firefox extension...)
  • You're not supposed to put quotation marks around a blockquote, silly.


    Yes, it's better with the lines, though. Thanks.
  • This was hard to figure out! I tried >>> and > and "" all to no avail. Maybe a little link or explanatory box under the textbox?
  • This is a blockquote:
    Hi, I'm quoting you now!
    How did I do it?
    <blockquote>quoted text</blockquote>
  • @damnation How did you accomplish displaying the blockquote tags without enclosing them within code tags?
  • you escape the opening pointy bracket as &lt; (which I'm displaying here by in turn escaping the ampersand)
  • Ah, yes. Thanks. I use another forum where the escaped character is treated the same as the pointy bracket. This system is more flexible.
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