How to choose which file to be downloaded (Solved)

edited July 21, 2017
I use ‘save to zotero' quite a lot because I need to save papers directly from browser to zotero.

If you open any paper from publications of American chemical society, for example, you will see different pdf files can be downloaded. The first two options are high resolution files while the third one is low resolution one. The second one 'PDF' is what I want to download.

A question to me is that zotero always save the pdf file with link which is a low resolution file. How can I let zotero download the other pdf file with higher resolution?

Thanks ahead if anyone can help me with that.
  • This used to be possible in Zotero for Firefox via a hidden preference:
    but this doesn't work in Zotero 5.0 nor in any connector, so I'm afraid you can't (or at least not without manually modifing the ACS.js file in the Zotero data directory --> translators folder).
  • All right. Will you add this function in the following version?
  • @adomasven -- is this something you're considering for the connectors or do we need to think about a different solution for this? It comes up a fair amount which is why Aurimas put in the current hidden-pref workaround in the first place.
  • edited July 19, 2017
    This will work in the next connector version. The config editor is found under [ext_url]/preferences/config.html
  • awesome! Could someone tell me the ext_url for Safari so I can update the documentation once the connector is out?
  • The safari one is actually kinda hard to obtain (you have to go through the extension toolbox at the moment). I'll look for a way to expose it. We generally don't want to have a button in the preferences that opens the config editor, just because there's very little reason ordinary users should need to go there, but there might not be any other way with Safari.
  • Can I know the approximate date of release of the next version, so I can pay attention to the update.
  • The new connectors (5.0.10) are out now with support for creating hidden prefs.
  • edited July 20, 2017
    @dstillman Thank you. How to change the type of pdf files? I tried to search ACS.highResPDF in about:config but nothing is showed.
  • you need to manually add it
  • @adamsmith Could you please be more specific? I don't know how to add it.
    Here's what I did: Open about:config--> right click--> new-->string--> put in the name ACS.highResPDF and the value 1. But this doesn't work.

    I really need your help. Thank you very much.
  • which browser?
  • go to addons, then click on "Options" under the Zotero connector. In the URL bar, you will see a URL something like this:

    replace the last "preferences.html" with "config.html" and then do exactly what you did above.
  • @adamsmith When I open config.html, I click add preference and put in the name ACS.highResPDF and the value 1. The item is now shown on the lists of both firefox and zotero, but it still doesn't work (the pdf file is with link one). Is there anything I missed? Sorry to bother you again.
  • edited July 20, 2017
    sorry, I read what you did too quickly. That should be
    no need to change it in Firefox. Only the setting under config.html matters

    (edit: I should note that I haven't actually tested this, but it _should_ work)
  • @adamsmith I tried to use"extensions.zotero.translators.ACS.highResPDF" instead of ACS.highResPDF in config.html as a new one, but still doesn't work. Could you spend a little time to test it? I appreciate your time.
  • Umm, sorry, we haven't really documented that. The hidden preferences should be under translators. namespace. E.g. translators.ACS.highResPDF
  • @adomasven It works finally. Thank you!
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