help me please

1. I create a document in microsoft word and saved it to Zotero
2. I close the document and opened it direct from zotero
3. I make some important notes in the document
4. I saved it
5. I closed it
6. I tried to open the document again and my information wasnt there
what can I do? I need the information of my file please help me
how do I recover the information?
  • I'm guessing you just saved the document somewhere else. Search your harddisk.

    Zotero just opens sends the files to your operating system to open -- it doesn't do anything with their content, so we can't really help you get the content back, I'm afraid. (FWIW, while possible, it's a bit unusual to store Word docs in Zotero, among other things because Zotero doesn't index them).
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