Improving Zotero's search results functionality

Hi there,
I love Zotero and open source software, but one feature which often has me using Mendeley instead is their search feature, which provides a more detailed preview of the hilighted search term in the relevant documents, whereas Zotero is limited to a list of documents containing the search term which you then have to open individually and search for results.

(For example, a search for 'London' in documents:

Is there any way to enable such a functionality in Zotero, or are there any plans to integrate such a feature? Thank you for your time
  • Yes, this is a technical limitation of Zotero's current architecture, and it's something we'd like to address in the future.
  • Thanks for your reply Dan, I am glad to hear that. Really looking forward to a time when I can go full Zotero!
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