Question : style "National Library of Medicine" (NLM)

I do not understand why in the Zotero style "National Library of Medicine" does not follow the latest changes to the NLM for "Part of a homepage/Web site" (exemple 39)
The only style that meets a little the latest changes to the NLM is the Vancouver Style (French Canada ) ... but why? Is it voluntary ? Sorry for my English, I translated my message using translation software.
Many thanks in advance
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi dans zotero le style National Library of Medicine ne respecte pas les dernières modifications de la NLM pour les Part of a homepage/Web site (exemple 39)

Le seul style qui respecte un peu les dernières modifications de la NLM c'est Vancouver (French – Canada). Mais pourquoi ? Est-ce volontaire ? Désolée pour mon anglais, j'ai traduit mon message à l'aide d'un logiciel de traduction.

Recommandations officielles NLM
AMA: helping doctors help patients [Internet]. Chicago: American Medical Association; c1995-2007. AMA launches exclusive partnership with the ReachMD Channel for medical professionals; 2007 Mar 26 [cited 2007 Mar 28]; [about 2 screens]. Available from:

"National Library of Medicine" dans Zotero
AMA launches exclusive partnership with the ReachMD Channel for medical professionals [Internet]. AMA: helping doctors help patients. 2007 [cited 2007 Mar 28]. Available from:

"Vancouver" dans Zotero
AMA launches exclusive partnership with the ReachMD Channel for medical professionals [Internet]. AMA: helping doctors help patients. 2007 [cité 28 mars 2007]. Disponible sur:

Vancouver (French - Canada)
AMA: helping doctors help patients [En ligne]. AMA launches exclusive partnership with the ReachMD Channel for medical professionals; c1995 2007 [cité le 28 mars 2007]. Disponible:
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