Lost the entire bibliography


The error code is above. The entire bibliography has disappeared. Using Firefox, with zotero and newly downloaded Work 2016. Any hope of recovering the lost material? Help!
  • could you explain in detail what happened? This doesn't give us enough to go by:
  • I was working on the document and added a citation which seemed to link to the bibliography fine, for a moment. Then I got a message to the effect of Zotero failed to sync to the document and when I check the bibliography it was no longer on the document.

    I duplicated the document, changed the citation style from AMA to APA. Then when I went to edit bibliography, and selected that icon, the bibliography was put back on the document. So the problem is fixed. If you think that there is any problem based on the error code above please let me know. I hope that there won't be problems when I go back to AMA format.

  • This doesn't sound like something I'd worry about, though I'd certainly test converting to AMA before you continue working on the document.
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