Blank rows under article titles

With the standalone version with two different computers, sometimes the rows under the article titles are blank. Normally these rows show the icon for the PDFs. I can still click on the PDFs to open the PDFs. For every article, they were blank. Suddenly the icons appeared again.

Do you know what causes this and how to avoid? Thanks!
  • sorry, we'd have to see a screenshot, I'm not following (upload to a free image hosting site & link from here).
  • It is when I click on the small triangle to the left of the "Creator" column (in order to "expand" the contents to rows below) that the rows below become blank.
  • We'd still want to see a screenshot.
  • Actually, if the "Creator" column looks like it's next to the little triangle, then that's likely the cause: You have the "Title" column (which is the one with the triangle and also contains the icon and title of attachments) minimized so small that its contents are no longer visible.
  • Oh, I guess that's true, but then the parent item titles would also be missing, which wasn't my understanding from bkastl's post. But the arrow does stay with the Title column even if Creator is moved to the left of Title — I was thinking it didn't — so yes, if the arrow looks like it's to the left of Creator, then the entire Title column would be cut off.
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