Show Inserted Reference in a Word Doc as a Separate Collection in Zotero

Thanks! I tried to search if anyone previously has asked this question but I cannot find one probably because I don't know how to properly state this issue.

I was wondering if it is possible that Zotero could recoganize the reference in a Word document inserted by Zotero (it is possible) AND show (or create or be able to create) a separate collection that contains these references.

This feature is not exactly the same as importing the biblography (that may be created by any ref manager) from a word document into Zotero, although that is one way to do the job I want (but a little too tedious).

Currently, we could click the "Edit Biblography" button in Zotero word plug-in and see all the references currently inserted. But cannot add into any collections. Endnote and some other ref managers have a similar feature.

The reason this might be worthy because when I read papers, I organize them into collecitons of different topic. But when I write an manuscript, those papers that I read of this topic might not necessarily be what I am going to cite. Or I may cite papers from different collections. (Although I should create a separate collection for each manuscript beforehand and drop everything I cited into that collection, but due to the back and forth, I could get lost of track).

I understand this feature might not be as simple as it sounds because Zotero keeps one centralized entry no matter which collection the entry is in. So duplication issue may arise when I try to use this feature to import the reference from a word doc created by another person use zotero.
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