[Standalone issue] "Word could not communicate with Zotero"

Hi everyone!

After spending about two hours actively troubleshooting the issue based on previous forum answers and dedicated resources, I am surrendering and turning to you to ask for some help — all the more I have a thesis to get done! It is driving me nuts!

I am using Zotero both in Standalone mode and in Firefox alternatively. It is the first time I am trying to use it in Word 2016. I have observed that it works well in Firefox mode, but not in Standalone, in which case I get the common message: "Word could not communicate with Zotero".

I have tried all or most of these steps: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/47311/2/office-for-mac-2016/#Item_2, without having the opportunity to send my logs and have an expert eye on them — I am of course ready to do so if needed! Now, I am feeling a bit stuck, so I would greatly appreciate some fresh solutions on the issue!

I hope some of you will be able to help!


Debugging: D521912711
Mac OS: 10.10.05

Standalone information:
Zotero Standalone:
Zotero Word for Mac Integration: 3.5.7 (within Extensions panel)

Firefox information:
Zotero Firefox:
Zotero Word for Mac Integration: 3.5.14 (within Add-ons panel)
Firefox: 47.0

Word information:
Word 2016: 15.11.2 (not working w/ standalone)
Word 2011: 14.06.0 (working w/ both standalone and Firefox)
  • Start by updating Zotero Standalone to the most recent version. You may have to re-install for that, somewhere around there the updating was briefly broken. Word 2016 wouldn't work with Standalone before 4.0.27
  • Wow! Thanks a lot Adam, it worked! Glad it was so simple! :)
    Weird that my update manager didn't warn me there was an update when I checked though…
    Have a great day!
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