Drag and Drop image files into citations

I am working in archives and would like to drag the images that I am taking into the citations as I collect them. The drag and drop feature is not working. When I use the "Import" feature, it only allows me to add one image at a time, and some of these files have 30-40 pages of images. What I want is to just create the citation (by hand since I am in an archive) and then drag in the images that are associated with that citation. Please help! Thanks.
  • Which version of Zotero are you working on? What happens when you drag an image file? In general, you should be able to drag any file type to Zotero to attach it, so it's a bit odd this wouldn't work.
    Also "Import" should _never_ work on an image (it's for metadata file formats), so that part is a bit confusing, too.
  • I have made it work. I had the files sitting on a flash drive. They needed to be copied onto my computer first, and then dragged into Zotero. Thanks.
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