Insertion and editing : Citation/Bibliography

Whenever I am trying to edit or insert a citation/bibliography in a particular document it does not work. We are working on this document under a shared library via Zotero. I do not have this editing problem with file that I create. The error that I received from Zotero can be read below (french) :

La citation en surbrillance n'existe plus dans votre base de données Zotero. Voulez-vous sélectionner un document de substitution ?

Cliquer sur "Non" supprimera les codes de champ pour les citations comportant ce document, conservant le texte de la citation mais le supprimant de votre bibliographie.


Zotero a rencontré une erreur lors de la mise à jour de votre document.

An item in this document is missing from your Zotero library.

How can I solve this?
  • It looks like an item that was previously cited was deleted from the group library or was inserted from one of the author's personal libraries, so Zotero can't update the reference in your document. To fix it, try to determine which item has the data missing (you could do this by copying the text to a new document and then systematically deleting references until you find the one causing the error). Then, delete the offending reference and insert it again.

    In the future, you can prevent this error by choosing "Store reference data in the document" from the Document Preferences menu in the word processor.
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