Cannot see groups I created

I formed a group and a collection within the group. I can confirm its existence in the group window, but I can't see it as a group under my library, so I can't populate its collection.
The name of the group is the same as the name of a populated collection in my library. Is this the problem, corrected by renaming? or am I missing something else?
  • Thanks for the help. It turns out that I had the wrong username.

    On other question: How do I delete groups that I don't need. I can delta collections with the delete key, but would like to eliminate an entire group so it doesn't appear when I open zotero to my library.
  • You can leave a group on the group's landing page (<groupname>; ) using the "Leave Group" button. To delete a group, you'd have to be the owner and there is a "Delete Group" button on the group settings page (<group_id>/settings )
  • Thanks. That worked perfectly.
    Now I seem to be facing a sharing problem. I have group and a populated collection within it that has the same name as the group name. The persons whom I invited to join my group can't seem to see the populated collection. Is this a naming problem? If not, what do they have to do to see the collection?
  • Do they see the items, just not the collection, or do they not see anything? If they don't see anything, it's likely a sync issue. If they're just not seeing the collection, they might have collections collapse (little triangle at the left of the group).
    Would be helpful for them (and you) to check the group library online.
  • Thanks. That worked perfectly.
    Now I seem to be facing a sharing problem. I have group and a populated collection within it that has the same name as the group name. The persons whom I invited to join my group can't seem to see the populated collection. Is this a naming problem? If not, what do they have to do to see the collection?
  • I thought I had synced the large library (82 mb), but even after watching the spinning icon stop after several minutes. I don't see the file in a safari search. The storage listed in the zotero preferences is 300 mb and I don't see any indication of storage being used. Is the file too big to successfully sync, or do I need to do something else? Thanks again for your help.
  • sorry, I feel like I'm missing a step here. Which file?
  • The 82 mb collection "hibiball.04.01.2016" in my group of the same name. I highlighted the collection and pushed the sync button. It spun for several minutes, then stopped. I thought the syncing was finished, but I haven't been able to see the collection in the safari or firefox browsers.
  • How do you know the size of a collection in MB? When you hover over the green sync arrow, what does it say?
  • Sorry about starting a new thread. I thought that was what the instructions said to do when you failed to sync.
    When the green sync icon is spinning it first says "update accepted. Waiting for sync server". When the icon stops spinning it says "Last sync not yet synced", and there is a red circle containing an exclamation point to the left. of the green sync icon.
  • Click the error icon and it will tell you the problem.
  • The following error has been sent to zotero developers: 109362369. I may not be able to use zotero since many references in out comprehensive Hawaii bibliography may be too long and it is not practical to shorten them. I can still share the .ris input file on a US Geological Survey ftp site and potential users can download and do their own import. I just can't make the database easily available to members of my group.

    Thanks again for all the help--Tom Wright
  • That's quite odd -- titles can be fairly long before you hit a sync limit. Could you post a sample title here that Zotero flags as too long for sync?
  • Yeah, if you look at the first-name field it's pointing to, you'll see that it actually has an entire "Introduction" in it. (This message only appears when the data is incorrect in a pretty significant way.)
  • This is the message, followed by the reference, which is overly complicated, but the formatting in EndNote is correct. I am confused by the message, which juxtaposes items under "name" that don't correspond to anything in my original database, as shown by the reference below. When I do an advanced search for the creator (name) in the error message I don't find any entry. Please point out the reason for the confusion and I will correct.

    The name ‘Jodi J. AB - INTRODUCTION The abundances of CO2, H…’ is too long to sync.

    Rosso, J.J., 2008, From the series editor, in Rosso, J.J., ed., Minerals, inclusions and volcanic processes: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 69, 1, 10.2138/rmg.2008.69.0, iii. [Any supplemental material and errata (if any) can be found at the MSA website]

    The chapters in this volume represent an extensive review of the material presented by the invited speakers at a two-day short course on Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes held prior to the annual fall American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, California (December 13–14, 2008). This meeting was sponsored by the Mineralogical Society of America and the Department of Energy. The short course was also held in conjunction with an AGU-sponsored topical session at the subsequent annual fall AGU meeting.
    Table of Contents
    Keith D. Putirka
    Introduction to Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes 1-8
    Julia E. Hammer
    Experimental Studies of the Kinetics and Energetics of Magma Crystallization 9-59
    Keith D. Putirka
    Thermometers and Barometers for Volcanic Systems 61-120
    J. Lawford Anderson, Andrew P. Barth, Joseph L. Wooden, and Frank Mazdab
    Thermometers and Thermobarometers in Granitic Systems 121-142
    Thor H. Hansteen and Andreas Klügel
    Fluid Inclusion Thermobarometry as a Tracer for Magmatic Processes 143-177
    Jon Blundy and Kathy Cashman
    Petrologic Reconstruction of Magmatic System Variables and Processes 179-239
    Malcolm J. Rutherford
    Magma Ascent Rates 241-271
    Adam J.R. Kent
    Melt Inclusions in Basaltic and Related Volcanic Rocks 273-331
    Gordon Moore
    Interpreting H2O and CO2 Contents in Melt Inclusions: Constraints from Solubility Experiments and Modeling 333-362
    Nicole Métrich and Paul J. Wallace
    Volatile Abundances in Basaltic Magmas and Their Degassing Paths Tracked by Melt Inclusions 363-402
    Frank C. Ramos and Frank J. Tepley, III
    Inter- and Intracrystalline Isotopic Disequilibria: Techniques and Applications 403-443
    Ilya Bindeman
    Oxygen Isotopes in Mantle and Crustal Magmas as Revealed by Single Crystal Analysis 445-478
    Kari M. Cooper and Mary R. Reid
    Uranium-series Crystal Ages 479-544
    Fidel Costa, Ralf Dohmen, and Sumit Chakraborty
    Time Scales of Magmatic Processes from Modeling the Zoning Patterns of Crystals 545-594
    Martin J. Streck
    Mineral Textures and Zoning as Evidence for Open System Processes 595-622
    Pietro Armienti
    Decryption of Igneous Rock Textures: Crystal Size Distribution Tools 623-649
    Olivier Bachmann and George W. Bergantz
    Deciphering Magma Chamber Dynamics from Styles of Compositional Zoning in Large Silicic Ash Flow Sheets 651-674
  • Just type "Jodi J" in the Zotero search bar in your library root and you should find the items — and there are multiple with the invalid name data. You'll need to fix those or delete them and empty the trash.
  • I deleted the original item, which was obviously a bogus import. Then I deleted 9 more items erroneously imported as "film" and finally 3 items imported as normal references (2 journal abstracts and one book section). I found these with repeated searches on "Jodi J.", even though that string does not appear in any of the additional 12 references.

    I continue to get the same syncing error, so I am at a loss as to what to do next.
  • Since my last comment I have restarted my computer with the same result, and separated out the offending references from my EndNote file. Several of these, all parts of the same publication, are classified in EndNote as a journal section with an editor whose first name is Jodi--these are the ones that imported as films. One of these had an erroneous author list, which I corrected. Two others are abstracts classified in EndNote as conference proceedings that have a Jodi listed as an author. One is classified in EndNote as a book section, also with an author whose first name is Jodi.

    There are many more book sections, journal sections and abstracts in my database. I think that the best way to proceed is that you send me either in forum or by email an email address to which I can send my small EndNote file and its associated .ris export. Then you can evaluate what is blocking these and presumably others from syncing.
  • You have to empty the trash for that library after deleting the items.
  • edited July 3, 2016
    To be clear, the error message tells you the exact name in question that's causing the problem. Anything it shows is in an item currently in your library, so the RIS file isn't really relevant. All you need to do is use the search bar to find the items with the text in question, correct or delete them, and empty the trash.

    As of your last sync attempt a few hours ago, you hadn't deleted at least one of the items in question. You can paste 'RGWVDUMN' into the search bar to find it (if you haven't deleted it since then).
  • I didn't realize that zotero trash had to be deleted separately. I now have all items deleted and searching on RGWVDUMN found no items, but I got a different error message: 2094070751. What now?
  • Now my account is rejected
  • This last item appears to be bogus because I get zotero and its groups after restart of my imac. The latest error message says there is a conflict that prevents me from syncing. and to check the sync button to find out. When I do that I get 19 duplicates that zotero wants to merge. So I check the box that says "keep remote for all 19 items", after which it says "done". Yet when I come back in to zotero I get the same message. Meanwhile in between these actions I get a bar that says "updating data from the sync server" After that finishes I get the previous message regarding merging duplicates. Is there some way for you guys to clear the sync server so that I can finally sync, or should I give up. I don't seem to get the desired results by following instructions.
  • See Repeated Conflicts — what matters is the error message you get after syncing stops, not the conflict resolution window. It may help to temporarily disable auto-sync in the Sync pane of the preferences.
    Is there some way for you guys to clear the sync server so that I can finally sync, or should I give up.
    If you're happy with the data you have locally, you can use Restore to Zotero Server in the Sync -> Reset pane of the Zotero preferences to replace the online data with your local data, but note that, if you're getting an upload error, clearing the server won't make a difference — you'll still have to resolve whatever the problem is.
  • I am basically back to where I started. I get this error 2090859055, which has me look for Jodi J. AB as an offending string and I can't find this anywhere in a search of the database that I am trying to sync, nor any other file in my library or its associated groups. I have also gotten messages about dupiicate strings that want to be merged. When I highlight the remote item and click the box that says "keep all the remote files" and then click done this list comes up again after restart.

    I can't see anything wrong with my EndNote file. There are a number of false duplicate entries of old newspaper articles where the same information is repeated, but on different dates and/or in different Hawaiian newspapers. It may be that my file is just too large and complicated to sync, although I can still import it for successful advanced searches in zotero.

    Is it possible to delete everything from zotero and begin again from scratch, reregister, and import the .ris file exported from EndNote?
  • Again, there's really no reason to reimport. There's no reason to think it will help, and you'll presumably just have to delete or fix the same problematic items again. The error message here says exactly what the problem is, and the steps to fix it are very straightforward.

    As of your last sync attempt, the "Jodi" item was in your Zotero trash. You need to empty the trash after deleting these items or the error won't go away.
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